Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#63017 closed update (wontfix)

py-jupyter @1.0.0 Upgrade to point to py39-jupyter

Reported by: greyhare Owned by: stromnov (Andrey Stromnov)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.7.1
Keywords: Cc:
Port: py-jupyter


py-jupyter points at py38-jupyter. py39-jupyter was added in October 2020. Please consider upgrading it to point at py39-jupyter.

I couldn't find an existing ticket for this, and py-jupyter is the one py-* port I use that still points at Python 3.8.

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Owner: set to stromnov
Status: newassigned

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

@greyhare what exactly do you mean by that? You shouldn't be installing a py- stubport anyways, but instead selecting the pyXY- version you want to have.

Having said that, that Portfile is not setting python.default_version so it should be using the default from the python PG, which already is Python 3.9. Looking at the output of port info py-jupyter, it shows Library Dependencies: py39-jupyter so to me it seems all good.

Last edited 3 years ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten) (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by greyhare

Huh? I install the py-* ports because they follow the MacPorts Officially Supported Python Version.

As a general strategy, I try to stick with whatever Python release a distro considers "stable." I don't like having to manually uninstall and reinstall a swath of ports to bump a Python version, or wait forever as packages with +python## variants have to build from scratch because MacPorts isn't building binary packages for the current variant any more. (The perl5 port and packages with +perl5_## variants are annoying, too, but I don't use Perl that much anyway.)

If I need a version-locked Python port, I'll install that specific port. But >95% of the time I don't.

Anyway, MacPorts doesn't seem to care what Library Dependencies says:

$ port info py-jupyter
py-jupyter @1.0.0_1 (python, devel, science)
Sub-ports:            py27-jupyter, py35-jupyter, py36-jupyter, py37-jupyter,
                      py38-jupyter, py39-jupyter

Description:          Web application for interactive data science and
                      scientific computing.

Library Dependencies: py39-jupyter
Platforms:            darwin
License:              BSD
Maintainers:          Email:, GitHub: stromnov
                      Policy: openmaintainer
$ port depend py38-jupyter
py-jupyter depends on py38-jupyter
$ port depend py39-jupyter
Error: Registry error: py39-jupyter not registered as installed.
$ port list py-jupyter
py-jupyter                     @1.0.0          python/py-jupyter
$ sudo port upgrade outdated
Nothing to upgrade.
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.                             
--->  No broken ports found.

So it seems to not be picking up the _1 version...?

comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

as I said above, installing the py- stubport is not recommended - just install it for {{{pyXY}} version you want to use.

comment:5 Changed 3 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

The confusion seems to stem from using port dependents (which is what the abbreviation port depend expands to) rather than port deps. The former gets its info from the registry, and shows the installed ports that are registered as depending on the given port, and thus reflects what the dependencies were at the time the ports were installed. The latter gets the info from the current Portfile in the ports tree, and so reflects what the dependencies would be if you installed now.

comment:6 Changed 3 years ago by greyhare

Amused by how casually my detailed explanation gets blown off with "installing the py- stubport is not recommended" which is not in any official policy pages. Is it really policy, or is it personal preference?

If they're not recommended, why have those ports not been removed?

What if the user (like this user) just wants "the recommended stable Python version" and doesn't want to manually uninstall every py##-* and dependent port and then reinstall everything with the new py##-* versions?

It comes across as "it's broken, but we don't want to say that, so we're blaming you." And I'm not sure why this ticket is being closed by someone who isn't the owner.

Joshua, thanks for the explanation that deps and dependents are different.

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