Opened 6 weeks ago

Last modified 3 weeks ago

#71182 new defect

Ports that depend on non-existent / removed ports

Reported by: szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát) Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: neverpanic (Clemens Lang), jmroot (Joshua Root), adfernandes (Andrew Fernandes), lpsinger (Leo Singer), barracuda156, catap (Kirill A. Korinsky), cram5431@…, ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven), dstrubbe (David Strubbe), hans@…, herbygillot (Herby Gillot), jan@…, joefowler (Joe Fowler), jswoboda (John Swoboda), judaew (Vadym-Valdis Yudaiev), kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg), MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez), michaelld (Michael Dickens), Schamschula (Marius Schamschula), paumard, petrrr, raimue (Rainer Müller), reneeotten (Renee Otten), rvolz@…, ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), smithsp (Sterling Smith), stromnov (Andrey Stromnov), yangx59@…

Description (last modified by reneeotten (Renee Otten))

If you are CC'd on this issue, then you are the maintainer of a port that has dependencies that no longer exist. Note that test dependencies were also included. Please search the list below to find your ports.

This list was generated based on the port list retrieved on 2024-10-28, 11:59 UTC. The format is port [ maintainers ] : badDependency1 badDependency2 ... There are currently 78 missing dependencies.

(neverpanic and jmroot are also CC'd)

git-fuzzy [ herbygillot, openmaintainer] : exa
voidwalker [] : flowui
mtn-browse [] : p5.34-gnome2, p5.34-gtk2-gladexml, p5.34-gtk2-sourceview2
php5-simpletest [] : php5
php5-unit-db [] : php5
php5-unit-selenium [] : php5
php5-web [] : php5
mediawiki [] : php5-dba, php5-intl, php5-mbstring, php5-mysql
websvn [ ryandesign, openmaintainer] : php5-mbstring
lscsoft-deps [] : py27-astropy, py27-h5py, py27-healpy, py27-pytest-mpl, py27-shapely
voltron [ raimue, openmaintainer] : py27-blessed, py27-scruffington
py27-lscsoft-glue [] : py27-csjon
gourmet [] : py27-elib.intl, py27-ipython, py27-reportlab, py27-sqlalchemy
pylize [] : py27-empy
fonttools-utils [] : py27-fonttools
py27-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py27-gevent
HORTON [, openmaintainer] : py27-h5py, py27-sympy
py27-pymca [] : py27-h5py, py27-mdp-toolkit
py27-dispel4py-registry-devel [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-ipython
gazpacho [] : py27-kiwi
pyfa [] : py27-logbook, py27-sqlalchemy
nMOLDYN [] : py27-mmtk
libgpod [] : py27-mutagen
py27-dispel4py-devel [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-networkx
py27-tables [] : py27-numexpr
abinit [ mtorrent, openmaintainer] : py27-pandas
digital_rf [ ryanvolz, jswoboda, openmaintainer] : py27-pandas, py27-pkgconfig
bzr [ raimue] : py27-paramiko
fdroidserver [ eighthave] : py27-paramiko
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary [] : py27-paramiko
py27-psychopy [] : py27-pyglet
gr37-lora-rpp0 [ michaelld, openmaintainer] : py27-pymongo
py27-mongoalchemy [] : py27-pymongo
py27-radical-utils [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-pymongo
py27-pyslides [ dstrubbe, openmaintainer] : py27-pypdf2
rst2pdf [] : py27-reportlab
mythtv-core.28 [ ctreleaven, openmaintainer] : py27-requests-cache
py27-robotframework-selenium2library [] : py27-selenium
buildbot-0.8 [ ryandesign, openmaintainer] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-elixir [] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-formalchemy [] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-sqlalchemy-migrate [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-pacal [ adfernandes, openmaintainer] : py27-sympy
py312-fasteners [ kurthindenburg, openmaintainer] : py312-eventlet
py312-myst-parser [ judaew, openmaintainer] : py312-pytest-regressions
py313-trio [ jandemter, catap, openmaintainer] : py313-cryptography, py313-openssl, py313-trustme
py35-flask-script [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py35-flask
py35-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py35-gevent
py35-cubes [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py35-jsonschema
py36-flask-mail [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py36-flask
py36-flask-script [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py36-flask
py36-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py36-gevent
py36-sqlparse [] : py36-hatchling
py36-cubes [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py36-jsonschema
py37-pytest-benchmark [] : py37-cpuinfo
py37-ipdb [ catap, openmaintainer] : py37-ipython
py37-m2r [ MarcusCalhoun-Lopez, openmaintainer] : py37-mistune
py37-pandasql [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py37-pandas, py37-sqlalchemy
py37-sparqlwrapper [] : py37-rdflib
py37-imdb [] : py37-sqlalchemy
py37-pyproject_hooks [ jmroot, openmaintainer] : py37-testpath
gr-ofdm [ michaelld, openmaintainer] : py39-pyqwt
rb19-churn [] : rb19-json
rb19-cucumber [] : rb19-json
rb19-selenium-webdriver [] : rb19-json
rb19-taps [] : rb19-json, rb19-rest-client
rb19-capybara [] : rb19-mime-types
rb19-mail [] : rb19-mime-types
R-gWidgets [] : r-gwidgetstcltk
R-roughnet [] : r-pagedown
R-partykit [ barracuda156, openmaintainer] : r-rweka
yorick-yao [ paumard, openmaintainer] : yorick-svipc


py39-pymc3 [reneeotten@… reneeotten, openmaintainer] : py39-arviz

py39-gwpy [] : py39-ligo-segments, py39-ligotimegps

py38-mesh-tensorflow [] : py38-absl

py38-hydra-core [] : py38-antlr4-python3-runtime

py38-h5netcdf [mps@… Schamschula, openmaintainer] : py38-h5py

py38-hdf5plugin [joe.fowler@… joefowler, openmaintainer] : py38-h5py

py38-pyro [smithsp@… smithsp, openmaintainer] : py38-serpent

py38-dm-sonnet [] : py38-tensorflow

py38-tensorflow-addons [] : py38-tensorflow

py313-pyproject_hooks [jmr@… jmroot, openmaintainer] : py313-testpath

py-twill [] : py312-twill ; set to obsolete in [8873f5b3e48a9e1dc8a2fa1eb3e342ed93669392/macports-ports]

Change History (43)

comment:1 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 49b5ba7e29c8807a9af8810cefdb7d36fc75c5eb/macports-ports (master):

py-pymc3: remove port

  • latest upstream release is packaged as py-pymc; port does no longer build with recent NumPy versions due to removal of numpy.distutils

See: #71182

comment:2 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:6 Changed 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

Here's a bit more analysis about the number of transitive reverse dependencies of each of these broken ports (which are also broken), including themselves. This is still done with the original dependency graph, not taking into account the fixes made since then by reneeotten. It should help determine which ports should be fixed instead of removed.

(Note: these exclude test dependencies; including those would give over 5000 ports with broken deps.)

py37-pyproject_hooks	214
py313-pyproject_hooks	87
R-partykit	28
bzr	16
py37-m2r	7
rb19-cucumber	5
rb19-mail	4
py36-sqlparse	4
py27-elixir	4
mythtv-core.28	4
py27-radical-utils	4
libgpod	4
php5-web	4
py312-fasteners	3
py27-tables	3
py27-lscsoft-glue	3
yorick-yao	2
rb19-selenium-webdriver	2
rb19-churn	2
py39-gwpy	2
py38-pyro	2
py37-imdb	2
py37-sparqlwrapper	2
py37-pandasql	2
py36-cubes	2
py36-gevent-websocket	2
py36-flask-script	2
py36-flask-mail	2
py313-trio	2
py312-myst-parser	2
py27-pacal	2
py27-sqlalchemy-migrate	2
py27-formalchemy	2
py27-robotframework-selenium2library	2
py27-pyslides	2
py27-mongoalchemy	2
py27-psychopy	2
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary	2
py27-dispel4py-devel	2
py27-dispel4py-registry-devel	2
py27-pymca	2
R-roughnet	1
R-gWidgets	1
rb19-capybara	1
rb19-taps	1
gr-ofdm	1
py39-pymc3	1
py38-tensorflow-addons	1
py38-dm-sonnet	1
py38-hdf5plugin	1
py38-h5netcdf	1
py38-hydra-core	1
py38-mesh-tensorflow	1
py37-ipdb	1
py37-pytest-benchmark	1
py35-cubes	1
py35-gevent-websocket	1
py35-flask-script	1
py-twill	1
buildbot-0.8	1
rst2pdf	1
gr37-lora-rpp0	1
fdroidserver	1
digital_rf	1
abinit	1
pyfa	1
gazpacho	1
py27-gevent-websocket	1
fonttools-utils	1
pylize	1
gourmet	1
voltron	1
lscsoft-deps	1
websvn	1
mediawiki	1
php5-unit-selenium	1
php5-unit-db	1
php5-simpletest	1
mtn-browse	1
voidwalker	1
git-fuzzy	1
Last edited 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát) (previous) (diff)

comment:7 Changed 6 weeks ago by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula)

As py38-h5netcdf has no dependents, it can be removed.

I also have a more recent version of abinit in my local tree that doesn't depend on py27-pandas.

comment:8 Changed 6 weeks ago by smithsp (Sterling Smith)

I see that I am mentioned for py38-pyro, but I am no longer using MacPorts. The port is also listed as openmaintainer, but I am expediting my unresponsiveness with this message.

comment:9 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

the py37-pyproject_hooks that you claim broke 214 ports isn't actually true. The test dependency that is missing there is py37-testpath, which admittedly I removed... Same applies for py312-pyproject_hooks, so the situation isn't as bad as you imply here ;)

comment:10 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

the analysis is possibly flawed in general. Another example, is py39-gwpy: you claim the removal of that broke two other ports. Please show me which ones, as according to the port status page there are no dependents.

comment:11 Changed 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

To be clear, I am not doing this to find issues in MacPorts. That's just a side effect of checking the dependency graph dataset (which I'm interested in) for consistency. It is possible that there are mistakes, though I haven't found any so far.

py37-build depends on py37-pyproject_hooks, then py37-build has 217 ports depending on it, excluding test dependencies, but including all other dependency types, including build dependencies. The majority are probably build dependencies.

This number is confirmed by port echo rdepends:py37-build | wc.

I posted these numbers in hope that they're helpful, since I have the entire dependency graph here and I can run queries fairly easily. Let me know if you want me to test anything (for example, exclude certain dependency types).

comment:12 Changed 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

Regarding py39-gwpy: The two ports are py39-gwpy (the counts include the port itself) and py-gwpy. Let me know if you need more clarifications.

Generally, I built the dependency graph from the output of port info --depends someport (run for each port), keeping track of dependency types.

comment:13 Changed 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

Here's another list, now taking only depends_lib and depends_run dependency types, and nothing else. I hope this helps. As before, the port itself is included in the counts.

R-partykit	28
bzr	13
rb19-cucumber	5
rb19-mail	4
py36-sqlparse	4
py27-elixir	4
mythtv-core.28	4
py27-radical-utils	4
libgpod	4
php5-web	4
py312-fasteners	3
py27-tables	3
py27-lscsoft-glue	3
yorick-yao	2
rb19-selenium-webdriver	2
rb19-churn	2
py39-gwpy	2
py38-pyro	2
py37-pyproject_hooks	2
py37-imdb	2
py37-sparqlwrapper	2
py37-pandasql	2
py36-cubes	2
py36-gevent-websocket	2
py36-flask-script	2
py36-flask-mail	2
py313-pyproject_hooks	2
py313-trio	2
py312-myst-parser	2
py27-pacal	2
py27-sqlalchemy-migrate	2
py27-formalchemy	2
py27-robotframework-selenium2library	2
py27-pyslides	2
py27-mongoalchemy	2
py27-psychopy	2
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary	2
py27-dispel4py-devel	2
py27-dispel4py-registry-devel	2
py27-pymca	2
R-roughnet	1
R-gWidgets	1
rb19-capybara	1
rb19-taps	1
gr-ofdm	1
py39-pymc3	1
py38-tensorflow-addons	1
py38-dm-sonnet	1
py38-hdf5plugin	1
py38-h5netcdf	1
py38-hydra-core	1
py38-mesh-tensorflow	1
py37-m2r	1
py37-ipdb	1
py37-pytest-benchmark	1
py35-cubes	1
py35-gevent-websocket	1
py35-flask-script	1
py-twill	1
buildbot-0.8	1
rst2pdf	1
gr37-lora-rpp0	1
fdroidserver	1
digital_rf	1
abinit	1
pyfa	1
gazpacho	1
py27-gevent-websocket	1
fonttools-utils	1
pylize	1
gourmet	1
voltron	1
lscsoft-deps	1
websvn	1
mediawiki	1
php5-unit-selenium	1
php5-unit-db	1
php5-simpletest	1
mtn-browse	1
voidwalker	1
git-fuzzy	1
Last edited 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát) (previous) (diff)

comment:14 in reply to:  11 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Replying to szhorvat:

To be clear, I am not doing this to find issues in MacPorts. That's just a side effect of checking the dependency graph dataset (which I'm interested in) for consistency. It is possible that there are mistakes, though I haven't found any so far.

py37-build depends on py37-pyproject_hooks, then py37-build has 217 ports depending on it, excluding test dependencies, but including all other dependency types, including build dependencies. The majority are probably build dependencies.

This number is confirmed by port echo rdepends:py37-build | wc.

I posted these numbers in hope that they're helpful, since I have the entire dependency graph here and I can run queries fairly easily. Let me know if you want me to test anything (for example, exclude certain dependency types).

I am not at all questioning your intentions and there are certainly things here that could/should be fixed. It's just that the analysis IMO isn't giving the actual picture. For the example above, the py37-build is not broken as the py37-project_hooks is just missing a test dependency. That's not to say that there isn't something that could be fixed, but it certainly did not break 214 ports.

comment:15 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 084d6e87af37de558158ae56bf63329610d79374/macports-ports (master):

py-gwpy: update to 3.0.10

  • drop py39, add py312 subport

See: #71182

comment:16 Changed 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

Oops, you are absolutely right. I had an error in my script, and the test dependencies were in fact considered during one step. Here's the corrected list (since I can't edit the top post). This is still with the same data, without the fixes you made since.

git-fuzzy [ herbygillot, openmaintainer] : exa
voidwalker [] : flowui
mtn-browse [] : p5.34-gnome2, p5.34-gtk2-gladexml, p5.34-gtk2-sourceview2
php5-simpletest [] : php5
php5-unit-db [] : php5
php5-unit-selenium [] : php5
php5-web [] : php5
mediawiki [] : php5-dba, php5-intl, php5-mbstring, php5-mysql
websvn [ ryandesign, openmaintainer] : php5-mbstring
lscsoft-deps [] : py27-astropy, py27-h5py, py27-healpy, py27-pytest-mpl, py27-shapely
voltron [ raimue, openmaintainer] : py27-blessed, py27-scruffington
py27-lscsoft-glue [] : py27-csjon
gourmet [] : py27-elib.intl, py27-ipython, py27-reportlab, py27-sqlalchemy
pylize [] : py27-empy
fonttools-utils [] : py27-fonttools
py27-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py27-gevent
HORTON [, openmaintainer] : py27-h5py, py27-sympy
py27-pymca [] : py27-h5py, py27-mdp-toolkit
py27-dispel4py-registry-devel [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-ipython
gazpacho [] : py27-kiwi
pyfa [] : py27-logbook, py27-sqlalchemy
nMOLDYN [] : py27-mmtk
libgpod [] : py27-mutagen
py27-dispel4py-devel [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-networkx
py27-tables [] : py27-numexpr
digital_rf [ ryanvolz, jswoboda, openmaintainer] : py27-pandas, py27-pkgconfig
bzr [ raimue] : py27-paramiko
fdroidserver [ eighthave] : py27-paramiko
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary [] : py27-paramiko
py27-psychopy [] : py27-pyglet
gr37-lora-rpp0 [ michaelld, openmaintainer] : py27-pymongo
py27-mongoalchemy [] : py27-pymongo
py27-radical-utils [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-pymongo
py27-pyslides [ dstrubbe, openmaintainer] : py27-pypdf2
rst2pdf [] : py27-reportlab
mythtv-core.28 [ ctreleaven, openmaintainer] : py27-requests-cache
py27-robotframework-selenium2library [] : py27-selenium
buildbot-0.8 [ ryandesign, openmaintainer] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-elixir [] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-formalchemy [] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-sqlalchemy-migrate [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py27-sqlalchemy
py27-pacal [ adfernandes, openmaintainer] : py27-sympy
py-twill [] : py312-twill
py35-flask-script [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py35-flask
py35-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py35-gevent
py35-cubes [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py35-jsonschema
py36-flask-mail [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py36-flask
py36-flask-script [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py36-flask
py36-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py36-gevent
py36-sqlparse [] : py36-hatchling
py36-cubes [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py36-jsonschema
py37-pytest-benchmark [] : py37-cpuinfo
py37-ipdb [ catap, openmaintainer] : py37-ipython
py37-m2r [ MarcusCalhoun-Lopez, openmaintainer] : py37-mistune
py37-pandasql [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py37-pandas, py37-sqlalchemy
py37-sparqlwrapper [] : py37-rdflib
py37-imdb [] : py37-sqlalchemy
py38-mesh-tensorflow [] : py38-absl
py38-hydra-core [] : py38-antlr4-python3-runtime
py38-h5netcdf [ Schamschula, openmaintainer] : py38-h5py
py38-hdf5plugin [ joefowler, openmaintainer] : py38-h5py
py38-pyro [ smithsp, openmaintainer] : py38-serpent
py38-dm-sonnet [] : py38-tensorflow
py38-tensorflow-addons [] : py38-tensorflow
py39-gwpy [] : py39-ligo-segments, py39-ligotimegps
gr-ofdm [ michaelld, openmaintainer] : py39-pyqwt
rb19-churn [] : rb19-json
rb19-cucumber [] : rb19-json
rb19-selenium-webdriver [] : rb19-json
rb19-taps [] : rb19-json, rb19-rest-client
rb19-capybara [] : rb19-mime-types
rb19-mail [] : rb19-mime-types
yorick-yao [ paumard, openmaintainer] : yorick-svipc

And here are the corrected breakage counts, including all dependency types except depends_test:

bzr	16
py37-m2r	7
rb19-cucumber	5
rb19-mail	4
py36-sqlparse	4
py27-elixir	4
mythtv-core.28	4
py27-radical-utils	4
libgpod	4
php5-web	4
py27-tables	3
py27-lscsoft-glue	3
yorick-yao	2
rb19-selenium-webdriver	2
rb19-churn	2
py39-gwpy	2
py38-pyro	2
py37-imdb	2
py37-sparqlwrapper	2
py37-pandasql	2
py36-cubes	2
py36-gevent-websocket	2
py36-flask-script	2
py36-flask-mail	2
py27-pacal	2
py27-sqlalchemy-migrate	2
py27-formalchemy	2
py27-robotframework-selenium2library	2
py27-pyslides	2
py27-mongoalchemy	2
py27-psychopy	2
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary	2
py27-dispel4py-devel	2
py27-dispel4py-registry-devel	2
py27-pymca	2
rb19-capybara	1
rb19-taps	1
gr-ofdm	1
py39-pymc3	1
py38-tensorflow-addons	1
py38-dm-sonnet	1
py38-hdf5plugin	1
py38-h5netcdf	1
py38-hydra-core	1
py38-mesh-tensorflow	1
py37-ipdb	1
py37-pytest-benchmark	1
py35-cubes	1
py35-gevent-websocket	1
py35-flask-script	1
py-twill	1
buildbot-0.8	1
rst2pdf	1
gr37-lora-rpp0	1
fdroidserver	1
digital_rf	1
pyfa	1
gazpacho	1
py27-gevent-websocket	1
fonttools-utils	1
pylize	1
gourmet	1
voltron	1
lscsoft-deps	1
websvn	1
mediawiki	1
php5-unit-selenium	1
php5-unit-db	1
php5-simpletest	1
mtn-browse	1
voidwalker	1
git-fuzzy	1

comment:17 Changed 6 weeks ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

In d28c1852a59caa4fbd4d9fb60365b4e6a08338f9/macports-ports (master):

Revert "FlowUI: remove port"

This reverts commit f25b5967304499702f4254707527026718802593.

Closes: #66081
See: #71182

comment:18 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 9a4904583ea50ec3210b5e37fa63fd105e1ffed8/macports-ports (master):

py-tensorflow-addons: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:19 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In ee966bb56eb85bb03481e56ab31cff4dcb6a158c/macports-ports (master):

py-dm-sonnet: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:20 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In ff48cbf53fef14925fac43adf6649ae48495bd28/macports-ports (master):

py-pyro: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:21 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 5bd7c7f02cad6a4567f7f14bad7402316f4bb753/macports-ports (master):

py-hdf5plugin: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:22 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 5303d67b3191d4a3e0fd5f4666002b8029f95c04/macports-ports (master):

py-h5netcdf: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:23 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 7269135f0aae138b03c6c6f16bb9dc2b0795646e/macports-ports (master):

py-hydra-core: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:24 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 22b3958358fbc36d09f56b071942a44571907598/macports-ports (master):

py-mesh-tensorflow: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:25 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:26 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:27 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 955ec580f91dfd0f7eff9414a25f54b2fc188bea/macports-ports (master):

py-testpath: add py13 subport

See: #71182

comment:28 Changed 6 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:29 in reply to:  description Changed 6 weeks ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replying to szhorvat:

If you are CC'd on this issue, then you are the maintainer of a port that has dependencies that no longer exist. Note that test dependencies were also included. Please search the list below to find your ports.

"Megatickets" like this are hard to deal with. I'm not going to be able to keep up with the volume of email notifications on such a ticket, and it's difficult to keep track of what's been fixed and what remains to be fixed. This is why I prefer one issue per ticket so that each ticket can be marked fixed when it's fixed.

In many cases, the maintainer of the port is not who needs to fix the problem. For example:

buildbot-0.8 [ ryandesign, openmaintainer] : py27-sqlalchemy

I had nothing to do with someone else removing a dependency of this port which is an essential component of MacPorts infrastructure. The solution would be for whoever removed it to reinstate it.

comment:30 Changed 6 weeks ago by barracuda156

I will sort out R-related ports: those are my omissions. (All are test dependencies, so nothing is broken as such, but should still be fixed, of course.)

For Ruby19: all those should either be updated to modern Rubies or removed, if no one interested to maintain those. (Just in case, I won’t deal with those. My interest in Ruby is limited to a few specific ports, and none of those are ruby19-based.)

comment:31 Changed 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

"Megatickets" like this are hard to deal with.

Opening a separate ticket for each port is not something I am able to do, especially considering that the goal of this project wasn't really to improve MacPorts--that's just a side-effect.

Do you have any suggestions (other than opening 70+ tickets) on what to do with such information in the future? Post it on the mailing list? Abandon it?

If there's interest in an updated status report after all the fixes that were made in the wake of this ticket, I'm happy to provide it. Let me know. There are currently 60 missing dependencies affecting 64 ports.

Last edited 6 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát) (previous) (diff)

comment:32 Changed 6 weeks ago by Sergey Fedorov <barracuda@…>

In 49a77401ad5359c1f316586e5bcbf045266bf2f0/macports-ports (master):

R-gWidgets, R-partykit, R-roughnet: fix missing test deps

See: #71182

comment:33 Changed 4 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In e7b3b91458780ef07ce9447cf0df41db34464de5/macports-ports (master):

py-sqlalchemy: re-add PY27 subport

The py27-sqlalchemy is a dependendt of buildbot-0.8, which is required
for the MacPorts infrastructure.

Removed in 1a22cb368938957217a16f9343d6398e91b5ba22 without checking its

See: #71182

comment:34 Changed 4 weeks ago by adfernandes (Andrew Fernandes)

comment:35 Changed 4 weeks ago by Andrew Fernandes <andrew@…>

In 212bb373bb85deea96a44491e432ca41c0882cca/macports-ports (master):

py-pacal: update to 1.6.1; drop py27, add py3{9-12} subports

See: #71182

comment:36 Changed 3 weeks ago by szhorvat (Szabolcs Horvát)

Here's an updated report. The situation is not better, just different. There are actually a few more missing dependencies now.

Perhaps this will always be an uphill battle and this ticket is best closed.

These might be worth a look before closing, since by the numbers they have the highest impact:

py38-jupyter_server	17
bzr	16
py38-ipykernel	15
py38-httpcore	14
py38-httpx	13

Missing dependencies:

bzr [ raimue] : py27-paramiko
digital_rf [ ryanvolz, jswoboda, openmaintainer] : py27-pandas, py27-pkgconfig
fdroidserver [ eighthave] : py27-paramiko
fonttools-utils [] : py27-fonttools
gazpacho [] : py27-kiwi
git-fuzzy [ herbygillot, openmaintainer] : exa
gourmet [] : py27-elib.intl, py27-ipython, py27-reportlab
gr37-lora-rpp0 [ michaelld, openmaintainer] : py27-pymongo
gr-ofdm [ michaelld, openmaintainer] : py39-pyqwt
HORTON [, openmaintainer] : py27-h5py, py27-sympy
libgpod [] : py27-mutagen
lscsoft-deps [] : py27-astropy, py27-h5py, py27-healpy, py27-pytest-mpl, py27-shapely
mediawiki [] : php5-dba, php5-intl, php5-mbstring, php5-mysql
mtn-browse [] : p5.34-gnome2, p5.34-gtk2-gladexml, p5.34-gtk2-sourceview2
mythtv-core.28 [ ctreleaven, openmaintainer] : py27-requests-cache
nMOLDYN [] : py27-mmtk
php5-simpletest [] : php5
php5-unit-db [] : php5
php5-unit-selenium [] : php5
php5-web [] : php5
py27-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py27-gevent
py27-lscsoft-glue [] : py27-csjon
py27-mongoalchemy [] : py27-pymongo
py27-psychopy [] : py27-pyglet
py27-pymca [] : py27-h5py, py27-mdp-toolkit
py27-pyslides [ dstrubbe, openmaintainer] : py27-pypdf2
py27-radical-utils [ petrrr, openmaintainer] : py27-pymongo
py27-robotframework-selenium2library [] : py27-selenium
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary [] : py27-paramiko
py27-tables [] : py27-numexpr
py310-asdf [ Schamschula, openmaintainer] : py310-importlib_metadata
py313-asv [ reneeotten, openmaintainer] : py313-json5
py313-cairosvg [ reneeotten, openmaintainer] : py313-cssselect2, py313-defusedxml, py313-pytest-runner
py35-flask-script [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py35-flask
py35-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py35-gevent
py36-flask-mail [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py36-flask
py36-flask-script [ lpsinger, openmaintainer] : py36-flask
py36-gevent-websocket [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py36-gevent
py36-sqlparse [] : py36-hatchling
py37-imdb [] : py37-sqlalchemy
py37-m2r [ MarcusCalhoun-Lopez, openmaintainer] : py37-mistune
py37-pandasql [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py37-pandas, py37-sqlalchemy
py37-pytest-benchmark [] : py37-cpuinfo
py37-sparqlwrapper [] : py37-rdflib
py38-fastapi [] : py38-starlette
py38-fuzzywuzzy [] : py38-levenshtein
py38-httpcore [] : py38-anyio
py38-httpx [] : py38-rich
py38-ipykernel [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py38-comm, py38-debugpy
py38-ipywidgets [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py38-comm
py38-jupyter_server [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py38-anyio, py38-prometheus_client
py38-nameutils [ macportsraf, openmaintainer] : py38-regex
py38-nbclassic [ stromnov, openmaintainer] : py38-prometheus_client
py38-nltk [ stevenbird, openmaintainer] : py38-regex, py38-tqdm
py38-objexplore [] : py38-rich
py38-parfive [ Schamschula, openmaintainer] : py38-tqdm
py38-parsimonious [] : py38-regex
py38-proglog [] : py38-tqdm
py38-py7zr [] : py38-multivolumefile, py38-pybcj
py38-rbtools [] : py38-tqdm
py38-requests-cache [] : py38-cattrs
py38-rich-theme-manager [] : py38-rich
py38-rstcheck [ reneeotten, openmaintainer] : py38-rich
py38-sacremoses [] : py38-regex, py38-tqdm
py38-sentipy [ harens, openmaintainer] : py38-beartype
py38-trio [ jandemter, openmaintainer] : py38-outcome
py38-typer [] : py38-rich
py38-unidic [] : py38-tqdm
py39-asdf [ Schamschula, openmaintainer] : py39-importlib_metadata
pyfa [] : py27-logbook
pylize [] : py27-empy
py-twill [] : py312-twill
rb19-capybara [] : rb19-mime-types
rb19-churn [] : rb19-json
rb19-cucumber [] : rb19-json
rb19-mail [] : rb19-mime-types
rb19-selenium-webdriver [] : rb19-json
rb19-taps [] : rb19-json, rb19-rest-client
rst2pdf [] : py27-reportlab
voltron [ raimue, openmaintainer] : py27-blessed, py27-scruffington
websvn [ ryandesign, openmaintainer] : php5-mbstring
yorick-yao [ paumard, openmaintainer] : yorick-svipc

Number of ports that (indirectly) depend on each broken port (including itself):

py38-jupyter_server	17
bzr	16
py38-ipykernel	15
py38-httpcore	14
py38-httpx	13
py37-m2r	5
py38-requests-cache	5
rb19-cucumber	5
php5-web	4
libgpod	4
py27-radical-utils	4
mythtv-core.28	4
py36-sqlparse	4
py38-ipywidgets	4
rb19-mail	4
py27-lscsoft-glue	3
py27-tables	3
py310-asdf	3
py39-asdf	3
py27-pymca	2
py27-robotframework-sshlibrary	2
py27-psychopy	2
py27-mongoalchemy	2
py27-pyslides	2
py27-robotframework-selenium2library	2
py36-flask-mail	2
py36-flask-script	2
py36-gevent-websocket	2
py37-pandasql	2
py37-sparqlwrapper	2
py37-imdb	2
py38-trio	2
py38-typer	2
rb19-churn	2
rb19-selenium-webdriver	2
yorick-yao	2
git-fuzzy	1
mtn-browse	1
php5-simpletest	1
php5-unit-db	1
php5-unit-selenium	1
mediawiki	1
websvn	1
lscsoft-deps	1
voltron	1
gourmet	1
pylize	1
fonttools-utils	1
py27-gevent-websocket	1
gazpacho	1
pyfa	1
digital_rf	1
fdroidserver	1
gr37-lora-rpp0	1
rst2pdf	1
py-twill	1
py313-cairosvg	1
py313-asv	1
py35-flask-script	1
py35-gevent-websocket	1
py37-pytest-benchmark	1
py38-sentipy	1
py38-fuzzywuzzy	1
py38-py7zr	1
py38-nbclassic	1
py38-nameutils	1
py38-nltk	1
py38-parsimonious	1
py38-sacremoses	1
py38-objexplore	1
py38-rich-theme-manager	1
py38-rstcheck	1
py38-fastapi	1
py38-parfive	1
py38-proglog	1
py38-rbtools	1
py38-unidic	1
gr-ofdm	1
rb19-taps	1
rb19-capybara	1

comment:37 Changed 3 weeks ago by Marius Schamschula <mschamschula@…>

In 08ca469bcac76ca7de1941b6282afd376dd21d93/macports-ports (master):

py-asdf: fix py-importlib-metadata dependency

See: #71182

comment:38 Changed 3 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 7b3cfa4ec6bc83c0400de60a15d18b4613e9224e/macports-ports (master):

py-cssselect2: add py313 subport

See: #71182

comment:39 Changed 3 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 4e48c865d50c3fd114b3b08dd2799cffd947cdbf/macports-ports (master):

py-defusedxml: add py313 subport

See: #71182

comment:40 Changed 3 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In f4c9f9c4d174149745cb9c482ab6241620f99ac3/macports-ports (master):

py-pytest-runner: ad py313 subport

See: #71182

comment:41 Changed 3 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In 4ddf8741dce3ecb5da07bdbbc4a77144ed29bb87/macports-ports (master):

py-fuzzywuzzy: drop py38 subport

See: #71182

comment:42 Changed 3 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In b8d04147e2f119a685e85f69d93ae0d7367f805c/macports-ports (master):

py-imdb: remove port, py-cinemagoer: new port, version 2023.05.01

  • package is renamed to 'cinemagoer' add that as a port

See: #71182

comment:43 Changed 3 weeks ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

In bff7098c05e277be08bb7998f3a2aa7ffe3f38c2/macports-ports (master):

py-json5: update to 0.9.29, add py313 subport

See: #71182

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.