Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of KDE

Jul 11, 2020, 12:19:57 AM (5 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replace OS X and Mac OS X with macOS


  • KDE

    v27 v28  
    22= KDE =
    3 KDE is a world-wide community of hundreds of programmers producing Free Open Source Software (FOSS). Its central product is the Plasma desktop equivalent to Apple Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows, but running on Linux and UNIX-based operating systems.
     3KDE is a world-wide community of hundreds of programmers producing Free Open Source Software (FOSS). Its central product is the Plasma desktop equivalent to Apple macOS or Microsoft Windows, but running on Linux and UNIX-based operating systems.
    5 KDE also produces a range of applications, system programs, tools and utilities, many of which will run on Mac OS X or Windows, because they are based on the [ Qt] framework, a set of C++ libraries and tools that is portable to several operating systems and hardware types.
     5KDE also produces a range of applications, system programs, tools and utilities, many of which will run on macOS or Windows, because they are based on the [ Qt] framework, a set of C++ libraries and tools that is portable to several operating systems and hardware types.
    77== KDE software on Mac ==
    8 On Mac OS X, Qt uses the OS X (Cocoa) widgets and window style, which means that KDE and Qt applications look and feel like other OS X applications. However, KDE is primarily developed on Linux and UNIX systems. Its use on Mac is still experimental. Many packages will work if you follow the instructions below, but some software from KDE is not designed to work on this platform.
     8On macOS, Qt uses the macOS (Cocoa) widgets and window style, which means that KDE and Qt applications look and feel like other macOS applications. However, KDE is primarily developed on Linux and UNIX systems. Its use on Mac is still experimental. Many packages will work if you follow the instructions below, but some software from KDE is not designed to work on this platform.
    1010Some unexpected behaviours and glitches should be expected. Please provide feedback to the macports-users mailing list of your experiences, both good and bad.
    3939If this command is not issued, **KDE applications will crash without warning**.
    40  Kbuildsycoca:: Kbuildsycoca4 is a command that refreshes the cache of the KDE software, which is required for many applications to work properly. In Linux and UNIX, this command is automatically run periodically, but this is not the case on OS X. The recommended way is to use the following command to automate its use, after installation of kdelibs4 by MacPorts:
     40 Kbuildsycoca:: Kbuildsycoca4 is a command that refreshes the cache of the KDE software, which is required for many applications to work properly. In Linux and UNIX, this command is automatically run periodically, but this is not the case on macOS. The recommended way is to use the following command to automate its use, after installation of kdelibs4 by MacPorts:
    4242launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.kdecache.plist
    5252==== Install kde4-workspace and qtcurve ====
    54 As described in the [wiki:KDEProblems/KDETickets#MajorlayoutissuesonOSX "Major layout issues on OSX" section of the KDE problems wiki page] it is necessary to avoid the
     54As described in the [wiki:KDEProblems/KDETickets#MajorlayoutissuesonmacOS "Major layout issues on macOS" section of the KDE problems wiki page] it is necessary to avoid the
    5555use of the default "Macintosh (Aqua)" style for KDE:
    60 and run the "systemsettings" application from OSX' Launchpad where you can configure QtCurve as your new KDE style under
     60and run the "systemsettings" application from the macOS Launchpad where you can configure QtCurve as your new KDE style under
    6262Common Appearance and Behavior/Application Appearance/Style/Applications/Widget style