Takeshi Enomoto
I maintain mainly scientific packages, especially those for earth and planetary sciences. I welcome volunteers who can add or take over scientific packages. Let's make Mac the best platform for scientists together.
- berkeley_upc
- blahtexml
- coo
- chapel
- cmsvlib
- dcw-gmt
- dmd
- dmd-doc
- dmd-tools
- druntime
- emos
- esmf
- fgsl
- fortrancl
- fpc
- fpc-doc
- g95
- gadap
- GASNet
- gctpc
- gmt4
- gmt5
- gnudatalanguage
- grads
- grib_api
- gshhg-gmt
- hdf4
- hdf5-18
- hdfeos
- hdfeos5
- ispc
- jbig2enc
- lapack
- lapack-manpages
- libdap
- libemos
- libLASi
- libproj4
- magicspp
- metview
- mlpack
- ncarg
- nco
- netcdf
- netcdf-cxx
- netcdf-cxx4
- netcdf-fortran
- ocaml-camlidl
- omnicompiler
- phobos
- plplot
- plplot-single
- plplot510
- plplot510-single
- rangs-gshhs-ncarg
- sam2p
- tif22pnm
- udunits
- udunits2
- upc
- vecLibFort
- vis5d
- wgrib2
- wp-cli
- xhyve
- yaxt
Last modified 8 years ago
Last modified on Aug 12, 2016, 2:09:59 AM