
Mark E. Anderson


Mac and MacPorts user since 2003 and 10.3/10.4 PPC

Member of the Apple Developer Program, currently testing no beta but typically do when one is available.

Find me on GitHub as markemer


I'm looking to clean up and modernize the guide at: markemer/macports-guide-adoc-dev

In addition I am working on an Xcode 1.1 portgroup that will build Workspace Projects, Run Cocoapods/SPM/etc, and deal with various signing nonsense

Because of the below, I'm also looking into a binaryonly portgroup for some systems, which is something I've been talking about for years.

If you find any of this interesting, please reach out.

Current Port Problems

  • iTerm2, 3.5.4 will not build easily using our current methods, and while systems as far back as 10.15 are supported by the binary, you can only build on the latest a lot of the time.
  • Io does not support arm64 upstream
  • geda-gaf appears to be in a bit of a bad state upstream, with the website going down now and again

Ports Maintained

Coming Soon

My Tickets

iTerm2 @3.3.9: error: expected ';' after top level declarator
geda-gaf @1.10.0_0 gnetlist xorn.guile import error
geda-gaf @1.10.0: Package requirements (guile-2.2 >= 2.0.10) were not met
geda-gaf @1.10.2_1: gnetlist fails to run with 'xorn-netlist' failed to load
iTerm2: error: property 'safeAreaInsets' not found on object of type 'iTermRootTerminalView *'
Io @2017.09.06: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
iTerm2 @3.4.15_3: SafeAreaInsets are still breaking builds on older systems
iTerm2 quit unexpectedly
gwyddion @2.63: opportunistic use of other ports
iTerm2 crashed on launch due to missing library BetterFontPicker.
qucs Fails to build on arm64 due to iverilog having no +universal variant
iTerm2: update to 3.4.23

Last modified 3 months ago Last modified on Oct 28, 2024, 1:21:06 AM