Snow Leopard Problems
General Issues
First of all, please read Migration.
Tickets for Broken Ports
- #36194
- hellanzb doesn't start (Snow Leopard 10.6.8) - previous fix not worling
- #51380
- p5-b-c @1.54: broken on Snow Leopard: previous declaration of ‘I64’ was here
- #55831
- postgis2 fails to compile on Snow Leopard
- #68382
- emacs fails to build in default configuration of +nativecomp on i386 10.6 Snow Leopard as libgccjit is unavailable
- #69191
- folly fails to link on Snow Leopard x86_64
- #70280
- chez-scheme @10.0.0: builds for an inferred arch, and infers incorrectly on Snow Leopard
- #34990
- shogun: Undefined symbols: _drot_ _dswap_ __gfortran_concat_string _dgemm_ etc.
- #35887
- xrg: XRGAppDelegate.m:82: error: request for member 'frame' in something not a structure or union
- #36667
- HandBrakeCLI @0.10.0_0: cannot link to libiconv
- #37402
- phantomjs: cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-mavx"
- #38958
- R @3.0.0_0: build failure on OS X 10.6.8
- #40112
- Julius 4.2.3 fails to upgrade non-universal to universal on 10.6
- #40807
- graphviz @2.34.0: dot hangs when generating doxymentation on 10.6
- #50736
- org-mode @8.3.3, org-mode-devel @devel: emacs-24.5 hangs with 100% CPU use
- #50737
- Can't install camlimages (libcxx)
- #52058
- netcdf @4.4.1: error: redefinition of typedef ‘DCEparsestate’
- #52210
- libsdl2: make it build on 10.6 (against 10.6 SDK)
- #53074
- clhep @ fails to build on 10.6 due to unsupported thread-local storage
- #55920
- FreeRDP @2.0.0-rc1: error: unknown type name 'AudioFormatID'
- #55988
- xercesc3 @3.2.1: ld: duplicate symbol xercesc_3_2::ArrayJanitor<unsigned char>::ArrayJanitor(unsigned char*)in xercesc/util/.libs/TransService.o and xercesc/util/.libs/PlatformUtils.o
- #56458
- python*: Compiler path is baked into
- #57520
- py-pyopencl: Does not build on libstdc++ systems; does not honor MacPorts build flags
- #57656
- gcc6: backport of cmath fixes
- #58082
- Gimp 2.10.8 patches for Leopard and SnowLeopard to enable +quartz variant
- #58605
- cryptlib @3.4.5: Build fails due to undefined _Static_assert
- #58893
- nodejs12 @12.9.1: error: use of undeclared identifier 'strnlen'
- #59462
- py37-zmq: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt3__119__shared_weak_count13__get_deleterERKSt9type_info
- #60028
- p5.30-proc-guard, p5.30-log-dispatch: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _perl_tsa_mutex_lock
- #60353
- macos-fortress-dshield: unrecognized option: -replace
- #60650
- osquery @4.3.0: error: use of undeclared identifier '_SC_PHYS_PAGES'
- #60701
- gildas: Undefined symbols: _main
- #60779
- et @6.0.5: error: call to 'clock_gettime' is ambiguous
- #60819
- sfml fails to build on 10.6.8 due to missing method backingScaleFactor
- #61076
- wxWidgets-3.2 @3.1.4: error: use of undeclared identifier 'LSCopyDefaultApplicationURLForContentType'
- #62455
- pngpaste: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NSBitmapImageFileTypeGIF'
- #62794
- py-grpcio: error: use of undeclared identifier 'strnlen'
- #64250
- mysql57 @5.7.36_1: ld: duplicate symbol _thr_set_lock_wait_callback
- #64255
- php81-apache2handler: unexpectedly uses xxhashlib, which fails
- #64334
- scrcpy @1.21: error: expected parameter declarator
- #64521
- irssi fails to build for ppc on 10.6.8 (Rosetta)
- #64525
- many ports fail to build for ppc on 10.6.8 (Rosetta) due to collect2: ld terminated with signal 6 [Abort trap]
- #64527
- gdk-pixbuf2 does't build for ppc on 10.6.8 (Rosetta): cannot find linker (meson build system issue)
- #64532
- graphite2 fails to build for ppc on 10.6.8 (Rosetta): unrecognized command line option '-mfpmath=sse'
- #64534
- rsync fails to build for ppc on 10.6.8 (Rosetta) in default config (but builds with custom call)
- #64542
- groff fails to build for ppc on 10.6.8 (Rosetta): Invalid mnemonic 'fnstcw', 'fldcw' (upd: fix found)
- #64572
- llvm-3.4: Circular dependencies / dependency cycle
- #64606
- ld64-97 and ld64-127 fail to build against llvm-3.5 on 10.6.8 Rosetta (while earlier llvm fail to build)
- #64609
- OpenSP failure for ppc with gcc-4.2: configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (size_t)
- #64698
- approach to fix Haskell (GHC) for PowerPC: some progress, ghc @7.6.3 builds for ppc but there is a bug to be fixed
- #64712
- Perl-related errors on 10.6.8: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched
- #64732
- barrier @2.4.0: error: expected unqualified-id before '=' token
- #64833
- libfido2 @1.9.0: fails on 10.6.8 Rosetta
- #64913
- vlang fails for PowerPC: -latomic flag needed, Header file <sys/errno.h>, needed for module `sync` was not found
- #64985
- atlas fails on 10.6.8 Rosetta: error: invalid parameter combination for AltiVec intrinsic
- #64994
- WIP on webkit2 for PowerPC
- #64996
- WIP on making nhc98 build
- #65061
- gcc: --build=${build_arch}- leads to incorrect names in case of PPC
- #65135
- py37-setuptools fails on PPC: ERROR Backend subproccess exited when trying to invoke build_wheel
- #65147
- nettle fails to build for x86_64 with gcc10/gcc11: sha256-compress.asm:208:no such instruction (fix: add --disable-assembler)
- #65153
- nss fails to build for x86_64 on 10.6.8 when forcing the build to use gcc11 instead of the default clang compiler: no such instruction: `pclmulqdq $16, %xmm2,%xmm0'
- #65156
- stack (and all of ghc) don't work on SnowLeopard, including when trying to build alex for example
- #65157
- ghc @9.2.2 error on 10.6.8: dyld: Symbol not found: _environ, expected in: /opt/x86_64/lib/libMacportsLegacySystem.B.dylib
- #65176
- go fails to upgrade to @1.17.10 for x86_64 on 10.6.8
- #65180
- dmd segfaults on 10.6.8; portfile has ppc/ppc64, but its dependency dmd-bootstrap is x86_64-only
- #65208
- py39-gobject3 fails to configure on Rosetta: ERROR: Include dir /opt/local/share/gobject-introspection-1.0/tests does not exist
- #65227
- uboot-tools @2020.10: Undefined symbols: "_strndup"
- #65495
- python310: is now broken for Rosetta: Undefined symbols: "_pthread_threadid_np"
- #65508
- nhc98 fails to build on Rosetta: wrong target
- #65592
- py310-numpy fails on Rosetta: multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops failure
- #65685
- sparsehash fails to link on Rosetta: Undefined symbols "MallocExtension::instance()"
- #65705
- libbonobo fails on Rosetta: Undefined symbols: "_Bonobo_Sample_Echo_echo", referenced from: _main in echo-client.o
- #65708
- py-shiboken fails on Rosetta on shibokenmodule: malloc: *** error for object 0xa0f15754: pointer being freed was not allocated
- #65722
- erlsom fails to configure on Rosetta: error: Broken Erlang installation, does not exist!
- #65737
- clisp fails on Rosetta: Loading file macros2.lisp ...make: *** [interpreted.mem] Bus error
- #65896
- emacs fails to compile on old Mac <= 10.7
- #65897
- various gtk+quartz apps do not display characters on 10.5, 10.6, 10.7
- #65917
- alglib fails on Rosetta: error: size of array ‘_ae_bool_must_be_8_bits_wide’ is negative
- #65918
- xz-bootstrap uses clang for PPC on Rosetta
- #65939
- libunwind: do not force +universal on <11, perhaps?
- #65945
- jemalloc fails on 10.5.8: Undefined symbols: _malloc_default_purgeable_zone, __Unwind_Resume using a modified MacPorts setup on 10.5 that is defaulting to use gcc11
- #65982
- GCL fails on 10.5.8: new_init.c:688: error: ‘FPE_INIT’ undeclared
- #65985
- cctools fails to build on 10.6.8 with new GCC: error: expected ';' before 'char'
- #65992
- py310-pycryptodome fails to build on 10.5.8: error: #error No routines for aligned memory; error: ‘for’ loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode
- #65996
- luajit: unwinder errors on 10.5.8
- #66025
- ECL fails on Rosetta: thread_get_state failed
- #66045
- libedit fails to build with gcc-4.2: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '*' token
- #66178
- texlive-bin fails to build with GCC for x86_64 on 10.6.8: error: shift expression overflows
- #66189
- gsed 4.9 fails to build with gcc-4.2 (10.5.8, 10.6.8)
- #66223
- tor fails to build on 10.6.8 as +universal (i386+x86_64) with Clang
- #66234
- taglib fails to build with gcc-4.2, needs cxx_standard 2011
- #66307
- Scalapack: will not configure properly on PPC since mpi PG cannot handle mpich-gcc* but wants mpich-default
- #66336
- p5.34-devel-mat-dumper fails to build on Leopard: error: ‘for’ loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode
- #66576
- py-cython tries using Xcode clang on Rosetta (for ppc), needs to be blacklisted
- #66577
- py311-numpy uses -march=native on PPC, which breaks the build
- #66625
- ttyd fails to build on Rosetta: error: unknown type name 'using'
- #66634
- simde fails to build on 10.6.8
- #66743
- gnupg2 is broken on 10.6.8 now: error: redefinition of typedef ‘KEYRING_HANDLE’
- #66745
- smlnj uses clang and inconsistent flags in Rosetta, fails to build
- #66759
- meson on 10.6.8 Rosetta has arch issues: built for ppc7400 which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)
- #66908
- ruby30 @3.0.5_1 doesn't work properly on 10.6 ppc
- #66926
- mold uses wrong flags with GCC, breaks the build
- #66927
- boost: backport fix for context from boost181
- #66984
- R: error with generating png images: figure margins too large
- #66999
- howl does not respect Macports archflags
- #67049
- valgrind fails on 10.6.8 x86_64 with assembler errors: {standard input}:1352:no such instruction: `rdrand %r11d'
- #67137
- fftw fails to build on Rosetta: Macports arch settings not respected
- #67278
- mariadb-10.11 uses static asserts incompatible with 32-bit
- #67304
- R @4.3.0: configure: error: cannot compile a simple Fortran program
- #67314
- R: do we need sysroot to be detected on systems without xcrun?
- #67369
- apache2 fails on Rosetta even when apr-util is fixed
- #67399
- BoCA fails to build on 10.6.8 Rosetta: config.cpp: error: ‘kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC_ELD’ is not a member of ‘CA’
- #67415
- fsplib fails to build on 10.6.8 with Clang: libfsplib.a(fsplib.o) malformed object (unknown load command 2)
- #67425
- bmake fails on Rosetta
- #67516
- opencascade @7.7.0: ld: internal error: atom not found in symbolIndex(__ZN11opencascade13type_instanceI18NCollection_BufferE3getEv)
- #67544
- boost176 lacks math_tr1 on 10.6.8?
- #67581
- viennacl fails to link on 10.6.8 Rosetta
- #67604
- rawhide is broken at least on 10.9 down, failing at linking; also fails on Rosetta and does not pass Macports’ archflags
- #67626
- libmypaint @1.6.1: error: redefinition of typedef 'gchar' etc.
- #67683
- ld64-97: error: 'TARGET_OS_WATCH' is not defined, evaluates to 0
- #67776
- PDAL fails to build on 10.6.8: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "___cxa_thread_atexit"
- #67916
- mpv @0.36.0: when building on 10.6-for-PPC with gcc-12: ao_coreaudio_utils.c: error: implicit declaration of function 'getpid'
- #68017
- gtk3 fails on 10.6 i386 32bit missing symbol _macroman2ucs
- #68055
- codeblocks fails to build with gcc12 on 10.6 when build as ppc: error: static assertion failed: comparison object must be invocable as const
- #68075
- transmission-qt fails to build on 10.6 Intel
- #68144
- libextractor @1.11: fails to build on Rosetta: Undefined symbols: "_LE_le16toh"
- #68199
- frozen fails on 10.6.8 Rosetta: error: modification of 'ze_map' is not a constant expression; error: non-constant condition for static assertion
- #68206
- gdk-pixbuf2 fails on ppc64 (10.5) and Rosetta with multiple undefined symbols
- #68214
- json-glib does not respect Macports arch flags
- #68215
- glances does not run on 10.6.8
- #68223
- libsoup-2.4 does not respect Macports arch settings, which breaks build on Rosetta
- #68230
- oofcanvas fails to configure on 10.6: Package 'gl', required by 'epoxy', not found
- #68333
- libfido2 @1.13.0: error: use of undeclared identifier 'id'
- #68383
- python312 fails on 10.6.8 Rosetta: error: implicit declaration of function 'pthread_threadid_np'; did you mean 'pthread_is_threaded_np'?
- #68403
- mbedtls3 broken on 10.6.8 Intel: error: "Must use `-mpclmul -msse2 -maes` for MBEDTLS_AESNI_C"
- #68404
- ocaml fails to build on 10.8 Intel and earlier: clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
- #68517
- thrift fails to build on 10.6.8 / i386+x86_64
- #68519
- wxWidgets-3.0 conflicts wxWidgets-3.0-cxx11: Error: Failed to activate wxWidgets-3.0: Image error
- #68598
- rustc fails on 10.6 : undefined ___mpls_readdir
- #68607
- tatami, tatami-devel fail to build with clang on < 10.14: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "___kmpc_for_static_fini" etc.
- #68767
- py-cryptography needs a fallback non-Rust version
- #68773
- gimp-lqr-plugin fails on i386 - duplicate symbol _state
- #68798
- photoqt-qt4 fails to build with clang: error: incompatible pointer types assigning to 'CustomPushButton *' from 'QPushButton *'
- #68871
- btop broken on Catalina and below
- #68882
- vim broken on PowerPC and <10.6 Intel due to unconditional inclusion of libdispatch
- #68890
- tiledb @2.18.2 fails to build with clangs on Catalina and earlier
- #68908
- py-numpy: pep517 backend broken: ERROR: Unknown compiler(s): [['cython'], ['cython3']]
- #68924
- py311-cython uses clang for ppc on 10.6.8 Rosetta
- #68926
- gcc10-bootstrap @10.5.0+universal: is it supposed to have been tested on i386+ppc?
- #68962
- legacysupport: the macports-libcxx modifications put cxx-specific flags into the CPP flags, causing C builds to fail
- #68993
- libffi build error on 10.6 i386: FATAL:symbol: ___x86.get_pc_thunk.bx can't be a weak_definition
- #69000
- libcxx-powerpc: can we get rid of depending on system libstdc++ completely?
- #69006
- LimeChat broken on every macOS from Mojave down
- #69015
- rb18-rake conflicts with rb-rake
- #69037
- FFView complains about missing 10.3.9 SDK
- #69043
- libknot: error: unknown type name 'sa_endpoints_t' (support earlier OS?)
- #69051
- qt5.x on PowerPC: approaches to bypass broken Cocoa
- #69087
- py-jsonschema broken by update to @4.20 which forced Rust dependency
- #69092
- xz-bootstrap and python27-bootstrap pick llvm-gcc-4.2 instead of gcc-4.2 on Leopard
- #69110
- NetSurf @3.11: Undefined symbols: _getline
- #69121
- py312-cython tries to use Xcode clang on 10.6.8 Rosetta and fails
- #69122
- smtube fails to display video previews if built with Qt4: SSL issue?
- #69125
- Pythons for PowerPC: introduce a path-style dependency and separate ports (?)
- #69147
- folly fails on 10.8.5: error: no type named '__cxa_increment_exception_refcount' in namespace '__cxxabiv1'
- #69149
- lzma fails to build on 10.6 i386 with gcc: no such instruction: `xgetbv'
- #69154
- Make a separate tree for 10.6 pre-release-specific fixes
- #69159
- doxygen, gromacs, gromacs-plumed, spice-server: error: expected identifier or '('
- #69161
- rust @1.71.1: Undefined symbols on Mac OS X 10.6.8 CoreDuo
- #69178
- tilde fails to run: Program received signal EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION, Illegal instruction/operand
- #69188
- libmacho fails to build on 10.6.8 x86_64: Assertion failed: (!"Unknown operand"), function LinkLocation, file /SourceCache/dwarf_utilities/dwarf_utilities-87/source/DWARFdSYM.cpp
- #69197
- algol68g fails to build on 10.6 i386: error: 'EXPORT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS' undeclared
- #69278
- fpm build error: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_opendir$INODE64"
- #69302
- p5.34-lwp-mediatypes fails on 10.6.8 Rosetta: [blib/man1/.exists] Error 126
- #69304
- v8-8.3 fails on i386: error: static assertion failed: m != 0 && ((m & (m - 1)) == 0)
- #69337
- MenuMeters uses x86_64 strip with i386 build
- #69347
- rocksdb: clang builds fail on < 10.13: error: aligned allocation function of type 'void *(std::size_t, std::align_val_t)' is only available on macOS 10.13 or newer
- #69384
- gklib @20230327: error: 'lnlen' may be used uninitialized in this function
- #69469
- rizin fails to build on 10.12 and below: error: too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation; error: use of undeclared identifier 'POSIX_SPAWN_CLOEXEC_DEFAULT'
- #69496
- lpython needs filesystem on < 10.15 when Clang is used
- #69509
- rb32-numo-narray build error: cogen.rb: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting kEND
- #69523
- gpac build error on 10.6: error: 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'GL_DRAW_BUFFER'?
- #69525
- gimp2 does not open image files on (on ppc?)
- #69551
- libsdl2_image error with gcc: error: attributes should be specified before the declarator in a function definition
- #69570
- cl-cffi fails to build on PowerPC: error: 'FFI_SYSV' undeclared (first use in this function)
- #69572
- dash @0.5.12: Undefined symbols _stpncpy
- #69577
- xorg-xtrans, xorg-libXt opportunistically use Java via fop, which can break the build
- #69614
- minizip fails to build as universal (i386 + x86_64): llvm-gcc-4.2: -E, -S, -save-temps and -M options are not allowed with multiple -arch flags
- #69673
- graphene cannot be built with gcc-4.2 for Intel: mmintrin.h: error: no previous prototype for ‘_mm_empty’
- #69686
- gtk3, gtk3-devel cannot build as universal on x86: ninja: error: unknown target 'CC=/opt/local/bin/clang-mp-11 -arch x86_64'
- #69786
- R-quanteda now fails on 10.12 and earlier with libc++: error: aligned deallocation function of type 'void (void *, std::align_val_t) noexcept' is only available on macOS 10.13 or newer
- #69792
- geany @2.0 Fails to Build on Lion - error: conflicting types for 'scandir'
- #69864
- poppler: Failed to configure poppler: Invalid value for configure.compiler:
- #69986
- stress-ng fails to build with multiple errors
- #70011
- cpprestsdk @2.10.19 build fails: error: 'locale_t' does not name a type
- #70015
- ettercap opportunistically uses libtapi if it is installed
- #70019
- R-stan4bart @0.0-8: sh: --version: command not found
- #70026
- trojita with Qt4 does not see its plugins and cannot set IMAP
- #70146
- httping build error: tcp.c: error: 'TCP_FASTOPEN' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'TCP_MAXOLEN'?
- #70156
- knot fails to build on 10.6: error: unknown type name 'sa_endpoints_t'
- #70171
- sigil-qt4 fails to build with clang: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "boost::scoped_static_mutex_lock::scoped_static_mutex_lock(boost::static_mutex&, bool)"
- #70194
- rawproc: builds with clangs fail on < 10.12
- #70235
- opencascade: wrong handling of symbols on older macOS
- #70282
- folly @2024.06.03.00 fails on Catalina and below with libc++: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'std::function<LocalRefCount ()>'
- #70383
- opencv3: build against native SDKs, do not force 10.7 SDK which breaks powerpc builds
- #70401
- gtk-based apps on legacy systems (or powerpc?): binaries work when launched directly, but not via .app bundle wrapper
- #70456
- pngloss: error: ‘for’ loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode
- #70480
- brlaser fails to build with gcc, because it does not understand -weak_framework passed directly (-Wl,-weak_framework works fine)
- #70496
- libvirt broken by meson on < 10.7
- #70518
- arch fails to build on ppc: error: #error memmove does not exist on this platform, nor is a substitute available
- #70531
- clew @20170324: error: unknown type name 'AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7_AND_LATER'
- #70544
- xmake @2.9.4: broken on powerpc
- #70568
- dateutils fails to build on 10.6
- #70572
- dvdisaster @0.73.2: messages.pot: syntax error
- #70581
- lastpass-cli fails on 10.6: error: CommonCrypto/CommonKeyDerivation.h: No such file or directory
- #70619
- discord-rpc fails to build on 10.6: error: '__bridge' undeclared (first use in this function)
- #70625
- glances again broken by a dependency requiring Rust
- #70693
- cargo @0.79.0: error occurred: Bad file descriptor (os error 9)
- #70711
- uhubctl build error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before numeric constant
- #70970
- mpv-legacy: playing back video does not function
- #71640
- poppler broken on 10.6.8 x86_64
- #71657
- fastfetch @2.29.0 build error: error: 'FAT_CIGAM_64' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'MH_CIGAM_64'?
- #71698
- sakura @3.8.8: Unknown option: u
- #71728
- xxhashlib 0.8.3 broken on Rosetta
- #71754
- poppler fails to build on 10.6 for undefined symbols 32bit intel
- #71875
- emacs-devel build segfaults on 10.6.8
- #71914
- libarchive needs legacy-support for getline: error: implicit declaration of function 'getline'
- #72017
- py313-krb5 @0.7.0: OSError: dlopen(, 6): image not found
No results
Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on Sep 9, 2009, 7:22:05 PM