Peter Danecek
I am working in seismological research and my principal interest is in scientific software, high performance computing, data analysis and Python related port. I currently use mainly a MacBook Pro 15" retina with OSX 10.8.5 and test occasionally on a MacBook 13" with 10.5.8.
- python/py-BitArray2D
- python/py-BitVector
- python/py-bitarray
- python/py-cartopy
- python/py-flake8
- python/py-flake8-mccabe
- python/py-future
- python/py-geojson
- python/py-libcloud
- python/py-obspy
- python/py-obspy-devel
- python/py-pyke
- python/py-pyshp
- python/py-radical-utils
- python/py-saga
- python/py-scikits-samplerate
- python/py-threadpool
- security/fetch-crl
- security/igtf-ca-bundle
Ports in preparation
- net/irods3
- net/uberftp
- python/py-globusonline-api
- python/py-hostlist
- python/py-tldextract
Assigned Tickets
- #36107
- py27-lxml broken with python27 +ucs4
- #47690
- remove ${prefix}/share/examples and install example in the "correct" location
- #50229
- py-ngl: use compilers portgroup; update and download automatically
- #57520
- py-pyopencl: Does not build on libstdc++ systems; does not honor MacPorts build flags
- #63444
- py-pyopencl: TypeError: unsupported type for persistent hash keying: <class 'numpy.dtype[void]'>
- #64046
- py27-ngl @1.3.0b1_2: error: implicit declaration of function 'c_cssgrid' is invalid in C99
- #64207
- py-nio: Update
- #64208
- py-ngl: Update
- #66503
- py27-radical-utils: Error: No such port: py27-pymongo
- #68062
- py36-http-parser: ImportError: cannot import name 'Feature'
- #68832
- py311-future: fails to install on M3 MacBook Pro (2023) Sonoma 14.1.2
- #69350
- py-pyopencl @2023.1.4 does not work with Catalina
- #72017
- py313-krb5 @0.7.0: OSError: dlopen(, 6): image not found
Reported Tickets
- #40191
- spatialite will not upgrade (build fails if spatialite is active)
- #40664
- irods @3.3: submission
- #44310
- py-pyepl @1.0.29: fails to build
- #47566
- mapnik @3.0.0-rc1_1: fails to build
- #47690
- remove ${prefix}/share/examples and install example in the "correct" location
- #48472
- hdf5 @1.8.15-patch1: add parallel version as subport instead of variant
- #49524
- rabbitmq-server @3.5.6: fails to build when python 3 is selected
- #57479
- gmt5: seems to link opportunistically to OpenBLAS
Watching Tickets
- #16336
- Allow multiple ports to satisfy a single dependency
- #19397
- py-scipy: not completely universal
- #19405
- git: move docs to new port
- #21500
- icedtea 1.11 Proposed Port
- #22066
- gcc44, gcc45, gcc46, gcc48, gcc49, gcc5: error trying to exec 'ecj1': execvp: No such file or directory
- #23800
- rabbitmq-server fails install phase when startupitem_type is none
- #25998
- calibre 0.7.13 request to add port
- #26184
- py-file: File python module
- #26372
- [InsightToolkit] CableSwig-ITK becomes a variant
- #26374
- [InsightToolkit] set ITK_USE_REVIEW_STATISTICS to ON
- #26872
- zookeeper-server @3.3.1 new port submission
- #27336
- py26-pyusb to compile with libusb-legacy
- #29185
- py-pyodbc: Add iODBC variant
- #29595
- Port of Scilab
- #29869
- nightshade: update to 11.2.1
- #29892
- GLC_lib: update to version 3.0.1
- #30236
- New Port: py27-zookeeper
- #31005
- pyo python module
- #31343
- New MonetDB port
- #32505
- jsonval - JSON validator
- #32706
- py-pyodbc: can't find MacPorts ODBC drivers
- #32712
- Python_select has been depreciated breaks install from mpkg or mdmg
- #32799
- request for ffmbc port
- #33088
- xemacs 21.4.22_4 crash when entering font-lock-mode
- #33246
- Package request: winexe
- #33327
- new port: py-pweave
- #34067
- New port: py-pykml
- #34069
- New port: py-suelta
- #34071
- New port: py-sleekxmpp
- #34271
- python27 2.7.3_0 py27-gtk 2.22.0_1 etc -- pkg-config files not installed correctly for python 2.6 and 2.7 versions of pygtk and pygobject
- #34939
- New port py-weasyprint
- #35363
- NEW: py-assimulo
- #35623
- update py-turbogears
- #35853
- new port: ndndump (tcpdump for NDN)
- #35854
- new port: py-pyccn (PyCCN - CCN bindings for Python)
- #36216
- pike: update to 7.8.700
- #36696
- py27-scikits-learn: Missing ATLAS symbol on sklearn.cluster import
- #37022
- py32-mahotas: ValueError in build_ext: underlying buffer has been detached
- #37266
- py27-graph-tool: build fails
- #37604
- doxygen and xorg-libxcb circular dependency
- #37627
- py-pyproj is not UsingTheRightCompiler
- #37744
- sshfs-gui: MacFUSE no longer maintained, replaced by OSXFUSE?
- #38243
- Request: pyOpt
- #38253
- new port 'python-pxattr' possible?
- #38302
- Request: pyharu
- #38401
- new port: py-khmer
- #38402
- new port: py-screed
- #38404
- new port: py-pybloom
- #38598
- Request: "Environment Modules"
- #38719
- New port request python-pylibacl
- #38720
- Add a port for bup (
- #39197
- New port: RStudio
- #39216
- py-ipython: include offline copy of MathJax
- #39524
- port torque
- #39609
- Request for new (old) port: VPython for plotting
- #39780
- py3{2,3}-shiboken: build failure, members of libapiextractor.a have no symbols
- #39931
- py-webkitgtk @1.1.8_7 build failure
- #40078
- py27-sympy build fails: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sqrtrem'
- #40372
- port GSI-Enabled OpenSSH
- #40424
- dd_rescue @1.14: Update to 1.99.5
- #40436
- py-ecell3 - new submission, cell simulation environment
- #40536
- py27-webkitgtk 1.1.8_7 libraries not loading in python
- #40734
- python PortGroup: add variants instead of subports with python.versions in apps
- #41343
- python extension module builds missing -I/opt/local/include
- #41541
- py33-logilab-common installation failure
- #41918
- R @3.0.2_1: +atlas variant fails to build
- #42066
- libplist @1.10: add python34 variants
- #42102
- py27-pip targets wrong python
- #42299
- ImageMagick: support converting videos
- #42519
- klayout submission
- #42600
- new port: python/py-scard 1.6.12
- #42697
- [NEW] py-adns
- #42698
- [NEW] py-cymruservices
- #43067
- py27-osmgpsmap: pygtk/pygtk.h missing
- #43188
- py-theano: File permissions set incorrectly for egg-info
- #43418
- [NEW] spine
- #43431
- Ports with mysql4 or mysql5 variants and/or dependencies should switch to using mysql57+ or mariadb.
- #43638
- py27-virtualenvwrapper: Does not use virtualenv with appropriate suffix
- #43806
- shogun: swig version check incorrect
- #43894
- doxygen: fix tex dependencies
- #44084
- R fails to upgrade with fortran compiler error
- #44147
- port request: FFTS
- #44339
- python/py-glumpy
- #44389
- py-googleads
- #44698
- py-gwpy @0.1a10 new port submission
- #44793
- gst-plugins-bad should provide a config without x11
- #44813
- py-gst-python needs updating to gstreamer1
- #45004
- cassandra: update to 3.1.0
- #45005
- cassandra fails to build
- #45247
- python2{6,7} memory leak due to db46
- #45619
- gcc43, gcc44, gcc45, gcc47, gcc48, gcc49, gcc5: move libgcj pkgconfig file to default path
- #45887
- py-virtualenvwrapper: is broken
- #45961
- VLC build seems to be missing things, particularly some subtitle support
- #46345
- [NEW] py-semanticnet
- #46578
- Spatialite @4.2.0_0 has different header files than SQLite3 @
- #46667
- hadoop @1.2.1 - compilation error
- #46785
- Port request: git-fs
- #46909
- py-doit @0.27.0
- #47013
- Add new ports py-ptyprocess and py-terminado to support terminals in ipython 3.0
- #47014
- Add new port py-ptyprocess (needed by py-terminado)
- #47049
- gfortran backtrace issue
- #47099
- [NEW] py-elasticsearch
- #47100
- [NEW] py-maec
- #47294
- port submission: qt_select
- #47471
- New port py-gst1-python
- #47687
- python portgroup should not auto-create ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}/examples
- #47843
- Please add rootpy
- #47943
- Submission: New port: py-gptools
- #47946
- New port: py-mdsplus
- #47948
- Submission: New port: py-omfit
- #48111
- py-libnidaqmx new port submission
- #48112
- py-daqmx new port submission
- #48227
- REQ: Vincent, A Python to Vega translator
- #48228
- REQ: Vega, A Visualization Grammar
- #48285
- py27-glewpy @0.7.4_9: Cannot convert 'src.glew.GLbyte *' to Python object
- #48399
- port install py27-kivy fails
- #48709
- py-notebook: script to launch with jupyter is not created
- #48750
- notebook: incomplete support for MathJax
- #48975
- NEW: pyverilog-0.9.6
- #49530
- gnudatalanguage @0.9.5: error: no member named 'width' in 'plstream'
- #49964
- py-notebook/python launcher/matplotlib
- #50000
- perl5: improve / reimplement packaging
- #50301
- py-scour @0.32: new submission
- #50319
- port request: 'python-oletools'
- #50568
- new port: py-skyfield
- #50633
- pyzo: new port request
- #50836
- vpython @6.11 new Portfile
- #50876
- h5check @2.0.1 New port submission
- #53964
- py27-cryptography fails to build with libressl 2.5.3_0
- #54005
- port request: QMapShack
- #64034
- mitmproxy fails to start due to incompatible pyOpenSSL
- #70542
- Zarr-Python on MacPorts?
- #71182
- Ports that depend on non-existent / removed ports
Last modified 8 years ago
Last modified on Oct 26, 2016, 11:05:29 PM